Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A Classmate I'm Thankful For

     Out of all the blogs we have written so far this year, this one has to be the strangest. We have to write about a classmate we're thankful for. Well Maya Valentine is someone I'm thankful for, not only as my classmate, but also as one of my bestest friends. There is never a time when we are not together. We're like two peas in a pod. She's the salt to my pepper, the peanut butter to my jelly, the frosting to my cake, and the milk to my oreos.
     In all honesty, I don't think I can say this about any of my other friends. Maya and I have been close knit since the beginning of freshman year and we have only gotten closer. This year we only have two classes together and English happens to to be the only class where we can actually talk to one another. We also happen to be on the Poms team together and this has ultimately brought us closer together. We always try to help one another as far as giving advice, being a listening ear, or sparing each other a dollar every now and then. We even have our days when make each other mad but we never go the whole day without talking. We always keep each other lauging with all of our inside jokes and she lifts my spirits up when I'm just having a bad day. With her, there is never a dull moment and I know I can always count on her. Love you Maya!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

"I Celebrate Myself"

     I celebrate myself and everything that makes me, me. I'm just thankful for all the good and bad things that have shaped me into the person I am today. I guess you can say I'm the opposite of a transcendentalist. Transcendentalists believed that society corrupted the purity of the individual. I think the opposite. I feel society is the most influential thing in our lives and it should shape us for the better but it all depends on how you let it influence you. Some take bad situations, learn from them, and try to create positive ones. Others may not and it makes them, them. I have learned to appreciate society for what it is just like I've learned to appreciate my family and friends. I celebrate the fact that despite all the good and bad things that have happened in my life, I've become a pretty decent person. Transcendentalists also believe that self-reliance and independence are important and I believe it is but life isn't really worthwhile if you don't experience it with the world. Isolation is good sometimes but you shouldn't walk away believing it will make you a great person. Apart of being able to celebrate yourself, is accepting yourself for who you are. A lot of transcendentalists felt you shouldn't have to comply with society's rules, or be or do what is expected of you, but I think we have come a long way as far as being able to express yourself. I figure life is worth celebrating so why not celebrate every part of it.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


     Edgar Allan Poe is an American writer and poet who wrote during the Romantic Period. This period was a movement or revolt against the aristocratic social and political norms. Poe essentially had to earn a living from his writings and it resulted in a financially difficult life and career. Some might question what influenced Poe's unique, yet imaginative writing style but it seems his childhood and his not so great adulthood were factors that affected it.
     Edgar was born in Boston and he was orphaned at a young age as his mother died just shortly after his father abondoned him and his family. In 1831, Edgar had to deal with the death of his eldest brother who had died as a result of alcoholism and his wife died of tuberculosis just two years after the publication of his first poem. These are just a few things that probably affected him emotionally but also influenced his work as well. It is no surprise that he wrote about what he was dealing with or feeling at the time. Edgar was known for his gothic or mysterious style of writing as his poems and stories usually had a dark and gloomy setting. Themes throughout his writing were death and mourning. This worked for him as it appealed to the public. Ultimately, Edgar was able to express a deeper meaning in his writing using his life struggles as the background for his work.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What is an American?

     What is an American? One of the hardest questions to answer. But ultimately is their a right or wrong answer? Is there an answer at all? Some say you have to live in America to be American and they're usually referring to the United States. I hate saying American is an ethnicity, nationality, race, or anything else they call it. We're all people so does it really matter where you came from or where you live. Some might ask if you're African American, Mexican American, etc., but there is no need for labels when we come to a place for a common goal.
     Many immigrants came to America for one thing, freedom! With freedom comes better opportunities and equality. Something other countries and nations could not offer. People from all over that come to America bring along their cultures and we create this diverse "Melting Pot", and it's what makes America, America. Our cultures blend to make this new culture that is influenced by the various places we come from. I guess that answers my question. So if i had to, I would define an American as someone who is proud to say that they are from America, witholds the idea of equality, embraces a new culture, takes advantage of all the possible opportunites given, works toward personal success, and is engaged in making America a better place.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The "Modern" Day Puritan

     As far as "modern" day Puritans go, I don't believe they exist but I do believe some of their views and ideas still exist today in our society. Though our society has immensely changed Puritan-like values seem to somewhat still guide our moral judgements. Puritan attitiudes influence how we treat and judge others, and how we go about our daily lives.
     Many of these ideas are present in religion, school, and even our households. In some religions in today's society, not going to church is looked down upon. John Proctor's relationship with God was questioned in The Crucible because he didn't attend church like everyone else in Salem. Also in society education has become one of the most important subjects. Puritans that had authoritative positions or were scholars were looked at as the most high. They were seen as better than the standard Puritan like in today's society as more is expected of scholars and people with master's degrees and PhD's. These people are sometimes seen better than others in our society as they might be thought of as accomplishing more. Even in our housholds, things still seem to be strict and we're held to high standards by our parents. Today, are parents expect the most of us and only the best. They want us to be the doctors and lawyers they are or weren't. We may not be what the Puritans were or lived like they did but their lifestyle continues to shape our society and maybe for the better.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

"John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?"

     Some may argue whether John Proctor is a hero or stooge but I believe John is undoubtedly a hero. Of course it's easy to take the road everyone else is taking but it takes a brave and courageous man to take the road less taken. But put yourself in Proctor's shoes... choosing to lie and confess or deny and be hung is a dilemma that has consequences on both ends of the stick. On one end you can lie or atleast that's what everyone else in Salem was doing. But as a Puritan it is unholy and it contradicts what the Puritans as a whole believe and the idea of theocracy. Now you have to confess to being involved with witchcraft and the entire village will know it. On the other end you can deny the accusations that have been placed on you but losing your life is practically your one and only option. Yes, atleast you have your pride but is keeping your pride worth losing your life? Probably one of the few questions John had to ask himself while making his decision.
     You might say John should have lied and blamed others like everyone had advised him to but to John it was not worth it. Signing the paper that stated he was involved with witchcraft meant ruining his reputation and name. It was obvious from the beginning that Proctor had a somewhat good reputation. Confessing to adultery was hard enough as that could have ruined his reputation. Lying was something John couldn't do, as a Puritan, husband, and father. John couldn't possibly ruin his family name. So if lying wasn't an option, that only left him to deny the accusations. But maybe denying what isn't true isn't that bad after all. At the end of the day you still have your pride because ultimately that's what it will boil down to.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

"Arrivals... There goes the neigborhood."

   Prior to the Europeans arrival to America, the U.S. was inhabited by indigenous tribes known as Native Americans, or "Indians". The Indian tribes expanded from coast to coast and introduction to horses allowed them to move rapidly and made them nomadic. But what could of been a peaceful existence between the Indians and Europeans quickly transformed into a violent conflict. European settlers began to inhabit the Atlantic Coast so Indian tribes moved westward but the Europeans followed them west. Many might say that the Indians weren't welcoming or didn't allow for coexistence but let's view it from the Indians point of view...
     You are a Indian living in America and Europeans begin to settle on what is your land. You don't mind coexisting with these other people but then they start to force you off of your land and claim it as their own causing war. They tell you that you can remain on the land but only on what wasn't marked as U.S. territory. Now let's view it from the Europeans point of view...
     You are an European settler that finds America as a great place to settle. Though Indians are inhabited there, you find the land useful for agriculture and settlement.  Instead of peacefully coexisting with these Indians, you rather force them off their land and claim it as your own.
     Besides these two groups of people looking different, they lived different as well. The Indians were nomadic and polytheistic but the Europeans saw them as barbaric and thought they should convert to Christianity as they were. Agriculture was also an important aspect of the Indians' lives but Europeans only saw these resources as a way to get money. These European explorers believed they were sent to America by God but did God send them to America to victimize people?

Thursday, August 29, 2013


 Coming from the south side, getting into Whitney Young was more than just an accomplishment for me but for my entire family. But I didn't realize my full potential until I got to the 6th grade. It was before then that I wast just the average student with the average grades. I'm not sure what happened in 6th grade but I began to take my education more serious and began focusing more on my work. I've lived with just my mom for about half of my life.  It hasn't really made an impact on my education or life in general but it has left me with more responsibilities especially watching after my little brother. Not only have I had to juggle my studies and caring for my little brother, but dancing was and is a major part of my life. I've practically danced my entire life but I would not let dancing keep me from focusing on my work.
 My 7th and 8th grade years were a breeze, probably my easiest years. According to my family and friends, I was as smart as they come. I didn't see how they could say that considering I thought I had no chances of getting into Whitney Young. With everyone saying I would, I became more confident in myself. Maybe I had a real chance of geeting in. When I did get my letter of acceptance, it had to be one of the greatest feelings for me. My family may have been right after all. They've encouraged me and continue to support me and that's all I ever ask for as far as keeping me focused and on the right path.