Sunday, September 29, 2013

The "Modern" Day Puritan

     As far as "modern" day Puritans go, I don't believe they exist but I do believe some of their views and ideas still exist today in our society. Though our society has immensely changed Puritan-like values seem to somewhat still guide our moral judgements. Puritan attitiudes influence how we treat and judge others, and how we go about our daily lives.
     Many of these ideas are present in religion, school, and even our households. In some religions in today's society, not going to church is looked down upon. John Proctor's relationship with God was questioned in The Crucible because he didn't attend church like everyone else in Salem. Also in society education has become one of the most important subjects. Puritans that had authoritative positions or were scholars were looked at as the most high. They were seen as better than the standard Puritan like in today's society as more is expected of scholars and people with master's degrees and PhD's. These people are sometimes seen better than others in our society as they might be thought of as accomplishing more. Even in our housholds, things still seem to be strict and we're held to high standards by our parents. Today, are parents expect the most of us and only the best. They want us to be the doctors and lawyers they are or weren't. We may not be what the Puritans were or lived like they did but their lifestyle continues to shape our society and maybe for the better.


  1. Great points! Life is tough with these Puritan ideas. Thankfully we are not in their times though.

  2. Do you think that its a good thing that its a good thing that those with a higher education being more respected or what else do you feel matters?
