Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A Classmate I'm Thankful For

     Out of all the blogs we have written so far this year, this one has to be the strangest. We have to write about a classmate we're thankful for. Well Maya Valentine is someone I'm thankful for, not only as my classmate, but also as one of my bestest friends. There is never a time when we are not together. We're like two peas in a pod. She's the salt to my pepper, the peanut butter to my jelly, the frosting to my cake, and the milk to my oreos.
     In all honesty, I don't think I can say this about any of my other friends. Maya and I have been close knit since the beginning of freshman year and we have only gotten closer. This year we only have two classes together and English happens to to be the only class where we can actually talk to one another. We also happen to be on the Poms team together and this has ultimately brought us closer together. We always try to help one another as far as giving advice, being a listening ear, or sparing each other a dollar every now and then. We even have our days when make each other mad but we never go the whole day without talking. We always keep each other lauging with all of our inside jokes and she lifts my spirits up when I'm just having a bad day. With her, there is never a dull moment and I know I can always count on her. Love you Maya!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

"I Celebrate Myself"

     I celebrate myself and everything that makes me, me. I'm just thankful for all the good and bad things that have shaped me into the person I am today. I guess you can say I'm the opposite of a transcendentalist. Transcendentalists believed that society corrupted the purity of the individual. I think the opposite. I feel society is the most influential thing in our lives and it should shape us for the better but it all depends on how you let it influence you. Some take bad situations, learn from them, and try to create positive ones. Others may not and it makes them, them. I have learned to appreciate society for what it is just like I've learned to appreciate my family and friends. I celebrate the fact that despite all the good and bad things that have happened in my life, I've become a pretty decent person. Transcendentalists also believe that self-reliance and independence are important and I believe it is but life isn't really worthwhile if you don't experience it with the world. Isolation is good sometimes but you shouldn't walk away believing it will make you a great person. Apart of being able to celebrate yourself, is accepting yourself for who you are. A lot of transcendentalists felt you shouldn't have to comply with society's rules, or be or do what is expected of you, but I think we have come a long way as far as being able to express yourself. I figure life is worth celebrating so why not celebrate every part of it.