Sunday, May 18, 2014

Rare Blessings

     Eric Walter slowly walked in front of his parents' casket. He tried to stay strong for his brother and sister but the tears wouldn't stop. He felt his brother and sister's hand touch his shoulder. "Why mom and dad?" his sister asked. Eric couldn't even find the strength to answer. They all stood together and just cried. They all cried the weeks following. During these weeks, Eric said his goodbyes to all his friends and even to his track scholarship. It's what he had to do since his parents' death. Someone had to take care of his brother and sister and Eric felt he owed it to his parents to take care of them because of all they had sacrificed for him and his siblings.
     Eric was a sophomore at a community college. He was the oldest of his siblings. Eric's family never had much. It wasn't even likely that Eric could attend college. His dad worked two jobs and his mom found jobs here and there but they still struggled to make ends meet. It wasn't easy caring for three children but they did what they could. Eric was willing to sacrifice college to get a job and help the family but when he was offered a track scholarship his parents told him to accept it. Eric's parents didn't want to be burdened with guilt knowing they deprived him of his dream so they scrapped up whatever savings they had to send him to college. 
     After being home for only a week, Eric had to quickly learn the role of a parent. A lot of it was overwhelming; waking his siblings up for school, getting them dressed, sending them to school, going to work for long hours, helping them with their homework, making dinner, making sure they bathe, tucking them in at night. He repeated this everyday and it seemed like an ever-lasting cycle. Eric was working from 9 to 5 as a mechanic. It didn't pay all that well but he had to make his paychecks stretch. It wasn't like he was only caring for himself now. He was caring for three. Eric would have done anything to give them what he didn't have but it was hard. He was used to caring for them but not in the way his parents ever did.
     One day while Eric's siblings were at their aunt's, Eric decided to take a walk along the park trail near his house. Occasionally, Eric would take these walks to clear his head from his parental duties and just think. It was kind of chilly out and no one had been outside but Eric didn't mind the isolation or the silence. He decided to sit on a black bench. He put his head in his hands, closed his eyes, and layed in silence taking deep breaths. Once he lifted his head and opened his eyes he observed a backpack laying in the grass. He looked ahead of the trail but saw no one. He wondered whose it was and what it was doing there. Eric got up from the bench and walked towards the backpack. He slowly began to unzip it and couldn't believe his eyes. It had to be the largest amount of money he had ever seen in his life. Brand new hundred dollars bills. Eric gasped and just stared at the money for what seemed like several minutes. Then he quickly zipped it back up and threw the backpack around his shoulder.  Eric was cautious now. What would he do with the money? He could move him and his siblings, go back to school, and buy him and his siblings something nice now. Eric stopped his thoughts before they got out of control. That money wasn't his. It belonged to someone else. Maybe it was a miracle or someone accidentally left it there. Either way Eric had to think realistically. After two days Eric decided to keep the money. He knew this would change his life forever but for the better.

Three Minute Fiction: Waiting in the ER

     It was 2 in the morning when Halle ran inside of the hospital’s emergency room. She limped her way to the front desk gasping for air. She fought to get her words out. After each word she would take a deep breath. Five minutes later a man came running in. He looked left and right and then his eyes met Halle's. He was confused. He thought she would have had a room already. The woman at the front desk handed Nia a clipboard and said “Here. You have to fill out this paperwork first, m’am”, with attitude in her voice. The man was Jared, Halle's boyfriend of five months. He swiftly walked toward her and asked her in a concerned voice, "Why aren't you in a room yet?". "I don't know", she struggled to say. They both looked around the emergency room and realized it was pretty full and a bit chaotic. There had to be at least twenty five other people waiting to be seen.      
     Both Halle and Jared looked at one another and knew that it would be a long night. The receptionist looked at them and then the paperwork Halle had filled out. She put the clipboard in a pile of others. Halle nor Jared knew what was wrong with Halle specifically. This didn't help Halle in any way. The receptionist gave Halle a ticket with a number on it; she was 316 and they were only on 292. The receptionist then gave both of them a look as to take a seat because there were people behind them. Halle stared at the number in awe. There was nothing that they could really do. The next closest hospital was at least 15 miles away. All they could do is wait and remain hopeful.
     The couple looked around to find some seats. Everyone else in the room just stared. Meanwhile, Halle is wheezing and trying her best to keep breathing. "I don't think I'll be able to make it Jared", Halle said inconfidently. "Please, don't think that way Halls" , he said. Halls is what he called her. Jared grabbed her hand and held it tight. Halle slowly began to close her eyes. She just wanted the pain to go away. They both agreed to take a nap to ease her pain until her number was called. An hour had passed. Jared awoke and looked at Halle while she was sleeping. He saw that her breathing had slowed down and he got nervous. He woke Halle up but neither of them knew how much time had passed. Halle was still in a lot of pain. They both got up out of their seats and walked to the front desk. They asked what the number was of the last ticket called. "319", the receptionist said. "But we're 316", they both said. "Yes, we called your number several times so you'll have to take another number", replied the receptionist. Halle and Jared couldn't believe what they were hearing. Once again there was nothing they could do so they took another number and walked back to their seats. Again people were staring. Halle was tired so Jared decided to stay awake while she slept so they wouldn't miss hearing her number again. Two hours passed and finally they call Halle's number. Jared tried to wake Halle up to tell her that they could finally see a doctor but Halle wouldn't wake up. There was nothing Jared nor the doctors could do.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

If it's meant to be

           Today would be like no other for Anne Bailey. She would shower, brush her teeth, and get dressed. It was her daily routine before making her way out the door to go endure a long day of work. She’d stop at the local coffee and get her favorite cup of coffee; maybe a pastry but like most women she was watching her figure. When she made it to her office building she would put on her best smile and greet everyone in their cubicles. Occasionally, she’d say hello to her boss but she’s been creeped out by him ever since she saw him one night in the parking garage threatening someone over the phone. Since then she would only smile and nod at him. That memory would always stick with her. By the time Anne has made it into her office she is ready to leave. Work was stressful and put a toll on her personal and love life. One day would change all of that though.
            Anne was in her office building elevator when it made a stop at the 13th floor. The doors opened and a guy with a portfolio in his hand eased his way into the elevator. Anne was too involved with her phone to even notice. “Do you know what floor Ms. Bailey’s office is on?” the man asked nervously. “I am Anne Bailey and my office happens to be on the 26th floor”, she replied. “I’ll assume you’re here for the interview for the administrative position”. “Yes, I am”, he said with a smile. There was an awkward silence for a moment but then the elevator came to a stop. They had reached the 26th floor. The doors opened and the man signaled for Anne to leave first. “Thank you”, she said. She was flattered by this. Most of the men in the office would have just walked right out as if she didn’t even exist. Anne didn’t think a man could be capable of being polite. He followed her into her office and they began their interview. Anne could only focus on the man’s smile. His words went through one of her ears and out the other. At the end of the interview she said he had the job. Anne was intrigued by him. There was something about him she liked but couldn’t pin point it. For once, Anne had went home in a good mood. This was rare.
            For the next couple of days Anne would walk past his cubicle. She wouldn’t speak to him; just walk by. It wasn’t like her to be shy but she was. Just walking past his cubicle and getting a glance of his face was enough to get her through the day. She hoped to one day work up the courage to speak to him and say more than just a simple hello. She hoped that one day he would look at her like she looks at him. She hoped he would one day think about her as much as she thinks about him. She couldn’t help that her heart would beat faster when he walked past.

            On one particular morning the man unexpectedly walked into Anne’s office. Her heart began to race at speeds unimaginable. When he asked her a question all she did was stare into his eyes. She answered with the biggest smile. She was still too nervous to ask him anything about his personal life. She was disappointed in herself. She hoped that maybe he would make the first gesture although she had the perfect chance to spark up a conversation. On that afternoon Anne walked into the office kitchen. The man was sitting at the table eating his lunch. Excitement ran through her body. While preparing her lunch she thought that maybe she would sit next to him and make conversation. When she was done preparing her lunch she sat at the table he was eating at. She had finally worked up the courage to speak to him. As she spoke she realized he had earphones in. He got up from the table, threw the remaining of his lunch away, and left from the kitchen. All her hopes killed in that one instant.