Thursday, August 29, 2013


 Coming from the south side, getting into Whitney Young was more than just an accomplishment for me but for my entire family. But I didn't realize my full potential until I got to the 6th grade. It was before then that I wast just the average student with the average grades. I'm not sure what happened in 6th grade but I began to take my education more serious and began focusing more on my work. I've lived with just my mom for about half of my life.  It hasn't really made an impact on my education or life in general but it has left me with more responsibilities especially watching after my little brother. Not only have I had to juggle my studies and caring for my little brother, but dancing was and is a major part of my life. I've practically danced my entire life but I would not let dancing keep me from focusing on my work.
 My 7th and 8th grade years were a breeze, probably my easiest years. According to my family and friends, I was as smart as they come. I didn't see how they could say that considering I thought I had no chances of getting into Whitney Young. With everyone saying I would, I became more confident in myself. Maybe I had a real chance of geeting in. When I did get my letter of acceptance, it had to be one of the greatest feelings for me. My family may have been right after all. They've encouraged me and continue to support me and that's all I ever ask for as far as keeping me focused and on the right path.